I am Libby Otto and I am currently writing this blog while also attempting to stay as warm as possible. I come from Kansas City and we have a very different climate from New Orleans. My father does not think it is cold enough to turn our heat on so I am stuck here wearing two pairs of socks and completely covered by a fleece blanket that just is not doing what I hoped it would. I will be glad once next semester kicks off because it means I will be back down south where I do not have sit uncomfortably writing while my hands slowly freeze.
I recently realized that I enjoy writing so I am feeling like a newcomer to a world of people who seem to have known that they always wanted to write. I love to write about literature and I feel as though film, although very different, is also fun to write about. Currently, I am going for an English Lit. major with a minor in Film Studies. What I am going to do after I graduate, however, is somewhat of a problem area in my life, because I have no idea.
Although I am a full-time student, I work every weekend at Cedar Grove Tchoupitoulas Plantation. It is about twenty minutes from Loyola and they host weddings, receptions, and other events. I work mostly as a server, but have also found myself cooking and bar tending when the help is needed. It is an easy job and I am saving up to hopefully live off campus next fall, as well as start paying off some of my education. I am going to be pretty busy this semester, but I am excited to begin all of my classes and dig into the reading and writing that I am sure is coming at me.
Hello, Libby. I think your were in my Holocaust course? Remember to put your last name first in the blog title. That is the way I can keep track of your work. Welcome back. I hope you enjoy this course.